Cancor Rathole Inc.
Fort St John, BC

About Cancor Rathole

Incorporated in 1990, Cancor Rathole Inc. is a privately owned company which does work in B.C, Alberta, N.W.T and Yukon Territory.
We are an innovative company, making use of the latest technology and continually updating our fleet of 9 drills and support equipment.
We now offer well cementing through Cancor Pressure Cementers inc. www.cancorcementers.com
Our Services
Along with our 9 drills, is a Watson 3110TM capable of drilling to depths of 160 ft. (48.8 m)
3 Air Hammers with Air Hammer combo trailers

Steel pipe culvert sales - All sizes and volumes

Contact Us

Located in Fort St. John, British Columbia
Head Office: Box 6646, Fort St. John, B.C V1J 4J1
Office: (250) 787-5555
Fax: (250) 787-5504
Operations Manager: Lyle Fenton
Cell Phone: (250) 787-3943
Email: Lyle.Fenton@CancorRathole.com
Field Superintendent: Adam Stebing
Cell Phone : (250) 263-7159
Email: Adam.Stebing@CancorRathole.com
President: Daryll Hosker
Email: Daryll.Hosker@CancorRathole.com